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Opinions on Stereotypes and the Ethics of Representation

At first, I thought the choice of the protagonist for characters applied to comics, animations, and games to me through the years was diverse, but now it all seems a little dull after reading through it. Despite its overuse through those mediums, I cannot disagree that it is still necessary for the industry because that is how it has always been and people seem to have been fine with it. If you ask me, they can keep working with it as long as there are people are there trying to push away from those stereotypes and create something unique.

As surprising as it sounds when it comes to my Peruvian background, I have not felt affected by any of this. Though there was one episode of South Park that made us out to be flute bands, there was nothing overly significant. But I cannot even begin to imagine the issues other ethnicities had to deal with over the years.


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