Back before I moved from the United Kingdom to South America, as a child I had always taken an interest in comics, well just "The Simpsons" comics. This memory was easy to recall because whatever store had them in stock, I would buy every single week for at least two years straight. The point I am trying to make here is that if I had discovered comic book stores at a much younger age, my room would have been stacked to the point where I could have made a couch, not comfortable I might admit but definitely well built. Anyway after taking a dive into comic book stores by the time I was back in the United States, I was surprised by the vast amount of characters and designs, especially the construct of it. From the beginning to end of each comic book I read, I began to notice a different pattern which peaked my interest. Neglected to do any research in it, until now when I was introduced to "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud.
From what I have read, Scott McCloud looks into comics as an art form. There is many aspects of comics, such as that the art itself is being categorized in many other forms besides comics which is pretty surprising because I thought that is where it stopped. It was amazing to read about the construct of panels varied in different cultures of comics all over the world and not only that but the artists themselves. The amount of unique artists out there convey these phenomenal pieces of stories in such an interesting way that I just wanted to keep turning page by page despite having work to do. The moral of Scott McCloud’s approach in making this book is his respect and appreciation towards comics of all kinds. After reading this book, I have more respect to comic book artists than beforehand and will take my weekends to visit comic book stores more often to get some inspiration for my future written stories.
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